Trains and Planes         
Reason(s) for Rejection: - Poor lighting (Backlit): The image is backlit or doesnt feature enough light on the nose or visible sides of the subject.
Date: 4/27/2009 Location: Seattle, WA   Map Show Seattle on a rail map Views: 865 Collection Of:   Kurt Clark
Locomotives: BNSF 2907(GP39E)    Author:  Kurt Clark
Trains and Planes
Picture Categories: Yard This picture is part of album:  Rejected By
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
Shelley H. General I gave up on Railpictures a long time ago. I beleive that is a wonderful pic! Great Job! 4/27/2009 6:52:49 PM
Ryan Johnson General looks like the plane has eyes!! 4/27/2009 7:28:48 PM
Jim Matuska General I'm with Shelley on the this one, I too gave up on Railpictures a long tome ago and never looked back since. Keep on shooting Kurt! This photo shows you have a keen eye for detail - good job! 4/27/2009 7:48:04 PM
Atlanta Rails General Im afraid they are right in their decision, the lighting isnt great and the image qaulity is awful, i can see noise everwhere! Very insteresting subject and good composition but the lighting and image quality need work. 4/27/2009 7:50:45 PM
Bryan Jones General They were right by rejecting the photo. Its poorly lit and very noisy. Its a neat shot but there are definitely quality issues. 4/27/2009 8:38:30 PM
Kurt Clark General Thanks for all the feedback everybody! Don't be afraid to share. Poorly lit = Seattle lighting. Quality issues = 4MP digital. I get better results from my Canon AE-1, which I also used to take pictures of this same train. I appreciate you all taking the time to comment. KDC 4/27/2009 9:37:03 PM
willis ford General I love this site cause it lets you post the real railroad not only if its in good lighting. Love to see cool stuff running up and down the and enjoy the the abandon lines and different engines and cars. 8/27/2012 7:23:51 PM

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