Eariler in the day my uncle was on his way to work. As he headed through Johnstown he saw that the Ns 534 has a Conrail Blue on it. He called me real fast to warn me! So we got to the abutment early to wait on our catch. Then I called my Dad to look for the train. He was in the middle of delivering a job site in Portage and saw it. So about 20 minuties went by and it was at 252. 5 more minuties and it was at MO. So we got everything set up and 5 minuties it poped around the curve at 249. |
8/24/2011 |
Cresson, PA Map  |
265 |
Collection Of:

DJ Miller |
Locomotives: |
Author: DJ M.
Picture Categories: Roster,Bridge,Signal,Track,Action |
This picture is part of album: Norfolk Southern |